Wednesday 2 March 2011

TNI ‘Invade’ tan Naktuka, Fasilidade Estadu TL Lori Todan

Tempo Semanal-Oekuse, 02.03.2011

Timor Leste ninia enklave Oekuse ne'ebe isoladu husi rai bo'ot nasaun ninian sempre sai vitima ba forsa TNI ninian iha rai ketan. Akontesimentu sira ne'e la'os dala ida maibe beibeik ona no Jakarta ho Dili mos hatene atetude sira ne'e.

Membru Tentara Nasional Indonesia (TNI) pelotaun ida hamutuk ema nain17 iha loron kinta feira 24/02 dadersan tuku 9 tama illegalmente iha area Naktuka Aldeia Manan, Suco Bene Ufe  Sub-Distritu Nitibe Distritu Oecusse konsege estraga fasilidade estadu nian hanesan Armagen Ministerio Agricultura Floresta no Peskas (MAFP) iha fronteira Naktuka.

Komandante UPF distritu Oecusse, Arlindo Cofitalan ba TS iha nia servisu fatin Aldeia Sanane Suku Costa Sub-Distritu pantema-Kasar Tersa Feira (01/03) dehan membru  TNI sira ne’e tama iha fronteira Naktuka nunka halo koordenasaun ho elementus UPF atu halao siguransa konzuta, maibe derepenti de’it sira tama no estraga sasan iha armagen MAFP.

TNI sira tama mai iha area naktuka ho armas funu nian kompletu no konsege estraga fasilidade armagen MAFP.

Fasilidade Governu TL ninian ne’ebe estragus maka hanesan Janeila iha sala enkontru, plafon iha uma laran, ventuiña, baku rahun sanyo, no katana ida lakon, pasta husi extensionista sira nian, no han hotu hudi tasak ramun ida no soe nia kulit iha armagen laran halo foer sala enkontru.

Relasiona ho problema ida nee, iha loron Segunda feira (28/02) UPF hamutuk ho komandante military UN nian iha Oecusse, ba hasoru malu ho Komandante TNI iha fronteira Oepoli hodi konfirma, tamba razaun TNI sira tama iha area naktuka nunka halo koordenasaun ho membru UPF.

Komendante UPF ne’e la sastesfas ho atetudi membru TNI estraga propriedade estadu RDTL nian.

Iha fatin la hanesan director MAFP distritu Oecusse, Jose Oki rekuinese membru TNI sira tama ilegalmente no konsege halo estragus ba sasan MAFP nian. Membru TNI sira tama iha area Naktuka konsege simu obrigatorio sabi odamatan portaun boot no tama direitamente iha area Armegen hodi halo estragus.

Informasaun hirak nee hau simu husi extensionista MAFP Naktuka Sisto Neno ho komandante polisia fronteira Naktuka. Akontesimentu ida nee halo nia parte senti triste tebes, nee duni ejiji ba governu liu husi Ministerio Negosio Estranjeiru RDTL nian atu lalais resolve problema ida nee para povu iha fronteira Naktuka bele servisu ho hakmatek.

Entertantu membru Parlamentu Nasional husi bankada Fretilin, Arsenio Paixão Bano informa katak problema Naktuka desde tinan kotuk mosu membru parlamentu nasional husi bankada maioria ho oposisaun sempre levanta problema ida nee maibe nai ulun sira husi governu, liu-liu Ministerio Negosio Estranjeiru, la iha seriedade politika ida nebe diak maka situasaun Naktuka sei sai hanesan nee ate agora.

Negosiasaun nebe ita halo ho governu Indonesia sempre faila, ministerio negosio estranjeiru ho governu la konsege resolve problema Naktuka. Hau atu informa tan katak, Naktuka la’os rai sengketa, rai neba ita nian, nee duni tuir los governu tenki iha interese boot ba problema neba.

Provokasaun husi TNI iha Oekuse akontese fila-fila ona no iha tinan 2010 hafoin TNI sira tama iha fatin hanesan Governu haruka sekretariu do Estadu de Defeza ho Brigaderu Jeneral Lere halo vizita ba fatin refere hodi haree ho matan besik liu incidenti sira ne’e. (TS).


Anonymous said...

Susar tebes ba rai ketan enklave Oekusi. Iha konstituisaun RDTL artigu lima hatete katak rejiaun Oekusi no Atauro hetan tratamentu espesial ekonomikamente no administrativamente maibe hare ba realidade ne'ebe akontese oin seluk fali. Tanba Governu AMP ne'ebe lidera husi Primeiru-Ministru Xanana Gusmao selok tiha konstituisaun artigu lima ne'e hodi atende Atoni Oekusi ho kamioneta Saneamentu.
Problema linha fronteira laos foin mak akontese maibe dala wain ona. Kuandu MNE RI Marty Natalegawa mai vizita TL, hakerek nain husu nia kona ba insidente Naktuka. Natalegwa fo resposta katak "Hingga ddetik terakhir inipun saya belum mendengar dan menerina informasi tentang insiden di Naktuka. Jadi, pertanya yang anda ajukan adalah salah, tidak pasti". Ho nia resposta ne'e halo hau nudar Oekusi oan sente triste no hirus tebes. Nia resposta ne'e halo ran sa'e hau nia kakutak maibe atan hau rasik la bele halo buat ruma tanba ida ne'e politika entre rai rua ne'ebe durante ne'e halo Oekusi hanesan projetu.
aproveita meius ida ne'e atan hau hakarak konvida ita bo'ot sira mai ita tau neon hamutuk atu oinsa liberta Atoni Oekusi husi problemas oin-oin,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Anonymous said...

Efforts need to be made to get international media involved in this matter. Issues faced by Timor-Leste are almost completely ignored internationally, yet are often of far greater significance than some of the stories that get splashed around the globe under the banner of news. The Naktuka border issue is one, the two recent land evictions in Dili and Australia's ongoing contempt for Timor-Leste in its dealings over oil, gas and proposed refugee center are others. There are more. International media interest in these issues is of course only one tool in the tool bag, but until we make efforts to attract that attention we may never know how effective it can be for exposing the constant ill-treatment the people of Timor-Leste get dished out, whether by its own government, or importantly by other nations such as Australia and Indonesia.

Ego Lemos said...

Enklave Oekusi maske rai ketan ida mes husi TL maibe ne'e mos parte husi soveranu RDTL nian. Tan ne'e nai ulun sira la bele husik deit problema ne'e akontese iha rai ketan Oekusi.

Anonymous said...

Polisia UPF panleru, TNI tama halo estragus dala barak ona mas la halo buat ida, diak liu troka deit komandante UPF ne'ebe foin sa'e ne'e tan impoten hanesan deit.

Anonymous said...

UPF panleru, troka deit nia komandante,,,

Anonymous said...

husu ba Governo liu husi Ministeri Esatrangero atu toma atensaun ba problema 1 ne, husu mos ba forca polisia sira nebe iha fronteira atu la bele tauk, ita boot sira iha razaun hodi halo atuasaun, se bele TNI tama karik tiru det, atu sira tauk ituan.

Anonymous said...

husu ba Governo liu husi Ministerio Estrangeiro atu toma atensaun ba problema 1 ne, la os halo det surat protesta mai be tengkiser chamar atencao liu husi media komunikasaun ne be iha, e husu mos ba ita nia siguransa ne be iha fronteira atu halao atuasaun, la be le tauk, ita boot sira iha razaun, se sira (TNI) tama karik "Tiru det" atu ne sira mos sinti tauk ituan...

__"if using diplomacy doesn't mean anything should use force to overcome".